Well let’s see what has been cooking at Brooks Corner.
We for sure know that Old man winter has made an appearance. We had our first frost the other night and it nipped some of the plants around here, Tiffany said she forgot to put her beautiful ferns up and they got some frost bite, hopefully she can save them she said.
Historic Rugby has had both of their Ghostly Gatherings the last two weekends and although there were modifications made this year due to Covid they still had successful weekends. Ella Smith and Linda Jones contributed their time to make food for both weekends and it was wonderful, there was also many more volunteers who helped make it a great weekend.
We hear that Tiffany just got a whole new shipment of private label jams, jellies, hot sauces etc. So, come on out and stock up for the holidays. They would make great gift giving gifts.
There is still events happening in the village before the year ends so be sure to see what they are on their website and join in on the festivities for the holidays.
The fall leaves have been amazingly beautiful this year. Gary and Tiffany recently took a little camping trip up to Imagination Mountain Campground in Cosby, Tn. They went with Kellie and Austin and grandchildren Cooper and Clayton. Also, their son Wesley and girlfriend Heidi joined them. It was a great weekend and the little campground had all kinds of fun activities going on. They said they highly recommend going there. The only thing missing was Aria, Harper, Hadleigh and of course their dad Mitch. They couldn’t make it unfortunately.
If you weren’t aware, this time of year brings forth in the old country store old fashion candy. Tiffany can only order it in bulk once a year and now is the time to come out and get those coconut haystacks, peanut brittle, crème drops and lots more!! The holidays are fast approaching.
Well it’s almost Thanksgiving and as we come to a close this time, we just want to encourage you to have a thankful heart for all those around you. Those people that God has placed in your life. Those people whose shoulders we can cry on, those people who will laugh with us, those who share in the challenges of every day life. Be Thankful!!! It will take you to higher levels than you ever thought. Til next time, Be Blessed!!